Saturday, December 20, 2008

Just In Time For Christmas

This is my desk at work. Notice anything odd about it? 

No? How about now?

For those of you who are horticulturally challenged the green stuff that is precariously hanging above my desk is Mistletoe. I didn't notice it at first because there was also a cluster scotch taped to the doorway leading into the office. I can only assume that this was done in an attempt to throw me off and keep my attention away from the Mistletoe above my desk. Unfortunately, the plan worked and I didn't realize I was sitting under a cluster of sexual harassment plant until it was too late. "Too late", meaning the only guy who works in the office snuck up behind me and kissed me on the top of my head while I was checking my e-mail. Despite being completely freaked out, I found myself feeling a little smug since I hadn't washed my hair that day (or possibly even the day before) and I figure the experience was probably just as unpleasant for him as it was for me. 

Needless to say the Mistletoe promptly found its way to the garbage can and hasn't been back since. I'm just grateful that I'm not going to be anywhere near Eufaula on New Years Eve.


Anonymous said...

uh, your office is in a living room?

Tom said...

I want a tv in my office. I don't want creepy people kissing me though. I used to climb up trees and get mistletoe and sell it to old people who kissed. Have a fun xmas. --your BNL